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  Public Ticket #2302591
Image Dimensions


  • thewestcoastvegan started the conversation

    1. What is the optimal image dimensions to export from Lightroom to Wordpress for this theme? I've been doing 1920x1080 but it seems too difficult to keep file sizes under 100kb. 

    2. What are the dimensions for the website? 

    3. Once we upload the image and have it in our post can we change to 75% or 50% at our discretion? Or will this ruin our GT Metrix score to 'fix image dimensions' or are there certain sizes we MUST use? 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1 & 2/ You can use that image size. The theme will auto resize/crop it to make all your images display good on the site.

    3/ When you insert images to your posts - I recommend you use larger size - check this image:

    And I recommend you use Classic block ( if you're using new editor from WordPress 5 ) to write your content:

    Check this images:

    Best Regards,
