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  Public Ticket #2304115
Recent posts widget


  • jczechowska86 started the conversation


    I have an issue with recent posts widget (named on my site as NAJNOWSZE on the right side - first widget from the top), because it shows posts not the way it supposes to (it should be per date, from the newest post at the top to the oldest at the bottom). The widget sorts posts in wrong way.

    Also, even whether the widget is set to display only 3 posts, it displays 5 posts. 

    Is there any way to fix it?

    I'm sending also the printscreen view with this widget customization.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    This issue caused by you have 2 posts display first:

    "Wąwóz Sirikari (Sirikari Gorge) i Polirinia na Krecie"


    "Wyprawa na Snowdon – szlakami Rhydd Ddu path & South Ridge path"

    was set is Sticky Posts - let's disable sticky posts for this 2 posts.

    Check more about sticky post here:

    Best Regards,
