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  Public Ticket #2307529
Image Lazy Load


  • ugurege started the conversation


    How can i activate image lazy load ? It looks it does not work on pages. 

    And it does not affect crawling of website by google right ? I do not want to have SEO issue. 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    By default, the theme supports for lazyload images.

    But some elements from Elementor doesn't support for lazyload images from itself.

    And it doesn't affect anything to your SEO, no worries about this.

    Best Regards,


  • ugurege replied


    But it does not work in any page ? Can you pls check ? 

    For ex

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I can see it still loading fine for featured image.

    If you looking for use lazyload images for images inside posts/pages. You can disable lazyload images from the theme and enable lazyload images from a plugin ( like Jetpack or Autoptimize )

    You can disable lazyload images from the theme via:

    Disable lazyload images on category mega menu on Customize > Logo and Header Options > Disable Lazyload Images on Category Mega Menu

    Disable lazyload images on all layouts, widgets on Customize > General Options > Disable Lazyload on All Posts Layouts & Widgets

    Disable lazyload images on featured slider on Customize > Featured Slider Options > Disable Lazy Load Images on The Slider

    Disable lazyload images on single posts page on Customize > Single Post Options > Disable Lazy Load Images on Single Posts

    Best Regards,


  • ugurege replied

    Hi again, 

    Sorry but i didnt understand :) 

    Why should i disable lazyload images from theme and enable lazyload from a plugin like Jetpack or Autoptimize.If theme suppors lazyload why should i disable it. I want to use as you said, images in posts but it does not work.

     I do not have these plugins. should i install them ? 

    Can you pls clarify the reason ?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, by default the theme doesn't support lazyload images inside your post content. If you want to use lazyload images inside posts content - let's do like I said - I recommend you use Autoptimize plugin - it's better.

    Best Regards,


  • ugurege replied

    I see.. I installed autooptimize and it also its own cache i think ? 

    I have litespeed cache installed. Do you think it may have a problem of two cache plugin ? 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    No problems at allsmile.pngAutoptimize can work with other caching plugin.

    Best Regards,


  • ugurege replied

    Thanks !