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  Public Ticket #2308611
Instagram feed not loading images


  • szpakowski started the conversation

    I got the new Soledad Feed widget. I generated the token via new facebook developer section. Seems to work fine, the feed is displaying as the old tool did. But it shows "No any image found. Please check it again or try with another instagram account." instead of pictures. Is there any instagram account setting I am missing? It is registered as business account. It worked with PXU token.


  • Streamliners replied

    Have exactly the same issue. Went through this path: 

    Still, same issue as for you.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Recently, Instagram just updated and change the API, we're working on this to find a solution. But it can take a few time for us to fixed itsmile.pngSo, please wait us for this.

    Currently, you can use plugin to get your instagram feed images.

    Best Regards,
