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  Public Ticket #2314514
WP Bakery Won't Work


  • truestrangenews started the conversation

    In PenNews - Version 6.5.7

    WP Bakery Page Builder Editors no longer work as of 2/28/2020.

    Last time it worked was 2/5/2020. I see only invisible text which shows as "[vc_row][vc_column][penci_container container_layout="11"][penci_column" if I highlight it. If I turn the plugin off, the text is no longer invisible.

    Things I've tried: 

    1. Disable and re-enable the plugin.

    2. Save the post. Doesn't help. All Pages in the WP self-hosted site are showing the above code instead of rendering. (WP Bakery is not in use for Posts and they are still editable.)

    3. Delete the plugins WPBakery Page Builder and Penci Framework , download the latest full theme and documents package, extract, then uploaded the new WP Bakery and Framework plugin .zip files and install. Tried two ways. Each worked to update, neither solved the problem. Also just deleted the WP Bakery plugin and used the theme's missing plugins system to get the latest WP Bakery. Both with no fix. 

    4. Turned off all plug-ins except Penci Framework and WPBakery Page Builder and cleared caches on web site server and in browser.

    5. Tried different web browsers, same problem in FF & Chrome.

    6. Tried from another computer on a separate network, same issue. 

    7. Tried with Gutenberg active and non-active via the Disable Gutenberg plugin and separately the Classic Editor and Classic Editor Addon plugins. 

    8. Check browser Console for errors. No errors show, but I notice the Text and Visual tabs do not work while in Page edit view in WP admin side. 

    9. Add plugin to watch PHP error logs. No errors generated when attempting to edit a Page where WP Bakery Page Builder is supposed to work.

    10. Check host php error log files. No errors are generated by loading the page.

    11. Tried using WPBakery Page Builder  Version 6.0.5 and also Version 6.1. 

    12. After upgrade to 6.1, I got a message now that "Important notice: You have an outdated version of WPBakery Page Builder Design Options. It is required to review and save it." Restored defaults and saved. Message went away, but editor still does not work.

    13. In WPBakery Page Builder settings use custom design options is not checked (default)

    14. WPBakery Page Builder settings, Role Manager, for Administrator, Editor, Author: pages only are enabled. Tried with Backend Editor both enabled and disabled.

    15. In WPBakery Page Builder settings, Role Manager, for Administrator, Editor, Author: Tried with Classic Editor both enabled and disabled. 1

    16. All of the above was by attempting to use the Edit button to edit an existing Page. When I click on Pages and then Edit with WPBakery Page Builder, I get a "Secure Connection Failed" error.


    https://{mysite].com/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=page works fine, no secure connection problems.

    The SSL cert works for all the rest of the site, but not when this URL to edit a Page is called. Strange. 

    17. Tried downgrading to different versions of PHP.

    18. Installed the theme fresh from new download, temporarily switching to a new theme then deleting old theme folder.

    19. Tried downgrading to WordPress version 5.2.5. Didn't help so I upgraded to the latest version again.

    I've spent a lot of time on this over several days. I have support. Please fix or advise. Thanks!

    Seems to need an author update?

  •  501
    Penci replied


    Please send me: 

    - Your admin url 

    - Your admin account ( username and password ) 

    - Your FTP account ( include FTP host, FTP username, FTP password ) - or your hosting account. 

    In a private reply.

    I will check it help you. 

    Best Regards,


  • truestrangenews replied

    We can't give you admin access to our site. Do you have a test site with Wordpress 5.3.2,, PHP 7.3, PenNews 6.5.7 and WPBakery Page Builder 6.1 and is it working? I am trying to create a test site for you to access, but the piracy prevention notice came up. If you have a temp license you can revoke after troubleshooting let me know.

  •  501
    Penci replied


    I'm not clear about the question, you can tell me the question and send me screenshot for the issue. I will check it help you.

    If frontend editor have issue. please try use backend editor.

    Best Regrads,


  • truestrangenews replied

    The question is how do I get WP Bakery working again? No editors work. The tabs for visual and text are there, but nothing happens when I click them. If I turn off the WP Bakery plugin, I can edit the text. With it on, in the box, I only see white. If I highlight the empty space, however, I see the code, but not the builder. The plugin loads, but it does not render the boxes, and it's blue icon does not show up as it once did.

  • truestrangenews replied

    Here is a screen shot, showing my inability to edit my home page despite all of the stuff I tried below.

  • truestrangenews replied

    If I load someone else's theme but keep the WP Bakery Page Editor plugin on, I can actually see the editor options, although in that case the page does not render, I think because it does not have the framework.

  •  501
    Penci replied


    Please deactivated all plugin ( excrept plugins come form the theme and try it again ) - If it work, let's enable each plugin to check what's plugin caused this issue.

    Amount of memory used by php and by default WordPress can go up to 40MB. To avoid Memory Exhausted error this parameter should be set to at least 256MB and this can be done from WordPress wp-config.php file.

    define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M' );

    In some cases, the mod_substitute module default configuration may cause a timeout error  when loading large pages . To fix this you have to add the following lines in the .htaccess file located in your website main folder:


    <IfModule mod_substitute.c>
    SubstituteMaxLineLength 50M

    If it doesn't work,  let's send me your website managment information ( admin url site, username and password ) in order for me to have access to know the exact issue. We will take it a lock on this help you.

    Best Regards,
