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  Public Ticket #2316053
Adobe Font


  • sarraherring started the conversation

    I am trying to add an adobe font from typekit to my Soledad website and cannot figure out how. I do have the paid Creative Cloud and have created an ID & web project within my account already.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can do that by do following steps:

    1/ Upload your custom fonts via Dashboard > Soledad > Custom Fonts and set the font a name.

    Not: Use .woff font file type there.

    2/ Go to Customize > General Options > on "Font for Titles" and "Font for Body Text" > select the font you've set a name on step 1smile.png

    Best Regards,


  • sarraherring replied


    Unfortunately it's not a font i can upload, as it's through typekit, therefore I can't download it. I will have to use a Project ID since it's adobe.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can search on google for that font and download itsmile.png

    Example:     "XXX font free download"

    Best Regards,


  • sarraherring replied

    Hey there,

    It actually isn't a font that's a free download. Not an easy search. I was able to upload it through a different wordpress plugin and manually code it in. Thank you though.