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  Public Ticket #2316386
Blog Page Appearance


  • leavenly started the conversation


    I absolutely love the theme and the customization is wonderful. However, I'm having a little trouble with my blog page specifically.

    I'd like my main blog page to display shortened article clips, with a "read more" option. Currently, it's displaying all posts in their entirety and in order, so it's not user-friendly.

    Hoping for some help in this!



  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for purchased our theme.

    You can do that by go to Customize > Standard & Classic Layout Options > and check to "Auto Render Post Excerpt"

    Also, I recommend you a way to create a blog page better - by do following steps:

    1/ Go to Dashboard > Settings > Reading > Front Page Displays > A Static Page > on "Posts Page"  - select "-- Select--"

    2/ Go to Pages > All Pages > edit your "Blog" page and select Template for this page is "Custom Blog Page" - Check this image

    3/ Go to Customize > General Options > on "Category, Tags, Search, Archive Layout" > select any layout you want for your blog pagesmile.pngLayout of your blog page will follow layout you've selected here.

    Best Regards,


  • leavenly replied

    So helpful! I got my blog page looking much better. The only thing I couldn't do was Step 2, because when I click Pages > All Pages > edit "Blog" page, this is what I see.

    I appreciate your help so much!


  •  2,699
    PenciDesign replied


    You didn't do step 1.

    1/ Go to Dashboard > Settings > Reading > Front Page Displays > A Static Page > on "Posts Page"  - select "-- Select--"

    Let's do thatsmile.png

    Best Regards,


  • leavenly replied

    Hi! I did do step 1, but I didn't click save changes. *facepalm*

    Got it working now and it looks amazing! Thanks so much!