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  Public Ticket #2317701
Site feature loading last


  • bmbeeler started the conversation

    We've recently deployed this theme on the URL above. The problem is that our site is loading slowly, because the feature block on top appears to load late for some reason. The UX is also poor because of this, it's a bit jarring. Our developers don't know what to do, figured you may have some ideas on how to tune this for our needs while also respecting site load speed. 

    One other note, we're not using WP comments, but in that same feature block there's text that says "0 comment" that we'd like to remove. Can't seem to find the right path on this. 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    With me, your site load very very fast. It just take about 1.5s to load done everything.

    I also checked your site load speed on pingdom and see it take about 1-2s to load. That's great speed for any website:

    I don't think you need to improve more your site speedsmile.png

    For hide comment count, please check option for it by edit that block ( because you're using Elementor ) and check options for it via block options.

    Best Regards,


  • bmbeeler replied

    But still a D :(

    Anyway, the feature block loads after the rest of the site. That's what we want to resolve. 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It's lazyload images. It makes your site load faster.

    If you don't want to use lazyload images - you can disable it via:

    Disable lazyload images on category mega menu on Customize > Logo and Header Options > Disable Lazyload Images on Category Mega Menu

    Disable lazyload images on all layouts, widgets on Customize > General Options > Disable Lazyload on All Posts Layouts & Widgets

    Disable lazyload images on featured slider on Customize > Featured Slider Options > Disable Lazy Load Images on The Slider

    Disable lazyload images on single posts page on Customize > Single Post Options > Disable Lazy Load Images on Single Posts

    Best Regards,
