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  Public Ticket #2317741
Thumbnail Images not loading


  •  1
    elliebc started the conversation

    hi there, since Sunday my thumbnail and featured category images are not loading at all on the homepage and other landing pages and blog grids. I've just updated to the latest version of Soledad, but the issue is still happening. 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    This issue caused by you've enabled lazyload images from a plugin like Jetpack or another plugin..

    Let's check and disable it because Soledad theme already supports for lazyload images.

    Best Regards,


  • ruzard replied

    Might be useful for SiteGround hosting users:
    They install SG optimizer plugin. They don't allow to switch off lazy loading of images only. However possible solution is adding an exclusion css class to their list. "penci-lazy" in case of soledad theme will work like a charm.

  • valeriaviacava89 replied


    I don't know if my issue is the same of elliebc, but I don't see the images in home and category when I select  "General Options > Homepage Layout > Grid Posts " and  "General Options > Category, Tag, Search, Archive Layout > Grid Posts ".

    I attached a screenshot. 

    I have followed your reply checking in the plugins page, but I don't have other plugins that support lazy load installed.

    So... could you help me, please?

    Thank you very much.

  • valeriaviacava89 replied

    Ok, only disabling SG optimizer plugin it perfectly works.

    But, now, the question is.. how I can I add the exclusion css class like Ruzard replied? 

    Thanks very much and sorry for the patient.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @valeriaviacava89,

    You can see the options about "Image Optimization" here - check this image

    Let's disable the lazyload images there.

    Also, if you have another question, please create a new ticket - don't put reply to tickets of other people because they will get notice reply email from your reply.

    Best Regards,
