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  Public Ticket #2318757
Slider Revolution Plugin (v6.2.1) prevents scrolling of web pages


  • FWD2016 started the conversation

    The recent update of SoleDad Theme (v7.3.1), included the update for the Slider Revolution plugin (v.6.2.1)

    == Problem ==

    When I updated both on my website, I found that I could not scroll the web pages using the mouse scroll wheel. 

    -- Testing --

    I did tests in the following order;

    • Found the same problem with all major browsers when viewing my website,
    • Problem only exists at the front end of the website, not the Admin area of WordPress,
    • Problem disappears when going to any other website in the same major browers, confirming this is not a browser issue.
    • Downgraded SoleDad theme back to version 7.3.0 - same problem with the scrolling of the web pages,
    • Downgraded the Slider Revolution plugin back to version 6.1.8 - problem disappeared, all worked properly.

    == Cause of the Issue ==

    It is the Slider Revolition plugin version 6.2.1, and it is the SoleDad theme.

    Reason is the SoleDad theme (any version) is now incompatible with the current version (6.2.1) of the SoleDad theme. 

    == Temporary Fix ==

    Use the Slider Revolution plugin version 6.1.8, - do not use the current version of 6.2.1. 

    When the developers of SoleDad fix the compatibility issue with Slider Revolution, then we can update the plugin to the current version.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Ok, I will tell with our developers to check it againsmile.pngIf there is the error, we will report it for Revolution Slider, it should be makes everything doesn't affect to the theme itselfsmile.png

    Best Regards,


  • FWD2016 replied

    Thanks for the reply. 

    Appreciate some feedback on what they had found, to determine if I need to open another (private) ticket to fix my site, if this is specifically isolated to my website. 


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We need sometime to check it. So we will get back to you if there is any feedback from our developers.

    Also, can you show me your site URL to I can send it for our developers to make the config like on your site now?

    Best Regards,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I wondering, why you don't use Penci Slider to config your slider? It's not needed to use Revolution Slider there and it load faster more than Revolution Slider. To config Penci Slider, you just need:

    1/ Make sure you've installed plugin Penci Slider - if not, go to Appearance > Install plugins > install & activate it.

    2/ Go to Dashboard > Penci Slider > Add New > and add your slider & text there.

    3/ Go to Customize > Featured Slider Options > on "Featured Slider Style" and select "Penci Slider Style 1" and "Penci Slider Style 2"

    You also can check options for Penci Slider on  Customize > Featured Slider Options.

    It's easy more than Slider Revolution, right?

    Best Regards,


  • FWD2016 replied

    I tried it per your instructions, the Penci Slider does not work, it does not show at all on the home page and even the feature to show on all pages does not work either.

    Any other settings to get the Penci Slider to work?

    The post slider works fine. 

    Post Slider Question > "What is the recommended size of the feature image for posts if I use the post slider? - because the featured images are enlarged"

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I just tried and I see it still working fine. Have you add your slides via Dashboard > Penci Slider > Add New?

    We have multiple slider style, so the image size can works fine for all case is 1920 x 1280

    If you don't use full width slider, you can use 1170 x 780px

    Best Regards,


  • FWD2016 replied

    I found the reason why. When I saved the slides, they saved as a draft and not as published. I did not see it save that way, so I thought it was published, that is why the slides did not appear, ...sorry.

    Thanks for the image size specs, I needed to know that to avoid blurry slide images.

  • FWD2016 replied

    You can close this ticket - it is resolved.
