I've heard from SEO specialists that this theme has a lot of JS and Google doesnt like that. Is there a way to minify this? I already use the WP rocket minify JS plugin.
1/ Do these plugins have less JS than Smush? Because they have the same function as Smush right?
2/ That's correct. But I was asking it because you didn't mention this one. Is it a less heavy JS to load? Or do you advice to delete it too?
3/ Great. I was asking it because WP Rocket also optimize JS, CSS & HTML: https://prnt.sc/rds6h3 Must I turn these off then when I run Autoptimize? What do you suggest?
1/ But doesn't smush do the same? Or are the plugins you suggest better with a faster loading time? And will all my optimized images remain optimized after removing the smush plugin?
I've heard from SEO specialists that this theme has a lot of JS and Google doesnt like that. Is there a way to minify this? I already use the WP rocket minify JS plugin.
Our themes has very little javascript when you compare with other premium themes.
Maybe your js come from plugins you're using
For minify javascript, I recommend you use plugin Autoptimize.
Best Regards,
Thanks for your reply.
Can you see which plugin has a lot of JS? https://smaakmenutie.nl/
And which options do I have to check to make the website faster without any problems (and minify JS): https://prnt.sc/rchrvi
I can see js from Smuch plugin and Q2W3 Fixed Widget
Check this image: http://prntscr.com/rcl9ww
You just need check to Optimize Javascript, Optimize CSS & Optimize HTML is ok. No need to care about advanced options.
Best Regards,
Thank you so much. Should I delete the whole smush plugin? Or just turn off the lazy load in smush?
And could it also be this JS:
})();</script><script type='text/javascript' src='https://smaakmenutie.nl/wp-content/plugins/arqam/assets/js/scripts.js?ver=5.3.2'></script>
Last question. Is it OK to let WP Rocket work besides Autoptimize?
1/ You can. For optimize images, you can use this plugin:
or this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/ewww-image-optimizer/
2/ This js come from a plugin Social Counter Plugin for WordPress - Arqam
3/ Yes, Autoptimize can be works fine with most caching plugin.
Best Regards,
Thanks for your reply!
1/ Do these plugins have less JS than Smush? Because they have the same function as Smush right?
2/ That's correct. But I was asking it because you didn't mention this one. Is it a less heavy JS to load? Or do you advice to delete it too?
3/ Great. I was asking it because WP Rocket also optimize JS, CSS & HTML: https://prnt.sc/rds6h3 Must I turn these off then when I run Autoptimize? What do you suggest?
1/ It doesn't appears js to front-end. The plugin just optimize the images size only.
2/ You can try deactivate this plugin to test it
I don't know this can be lower your site or not because we don't develop that plugin.
3/ You need to deactivate it from WP Rocket and use optimize JS, CSS & HTML from Autoptimize only.
Best Regards,
Ok thanks!
1/ But doesn't smush do the same? Or are the plugins you suggest better with a faster loading time? And will all my optimized images remain optimized after removing the smush plugin?
Kind regards,
Yes for all the points you asked.
Best Regards,
3/ Do I have to check the second option? https://prnt.sc/rf80rx (combine JS-files and combine CSS-files)
I've said with you before:
You just need check to Optimize Javascript, Optimize CSS & Optimize HTML is ok. No need to care about advanced options.
Have you didn't read it?
Best Regards,
Yes I've read it, but default some options are checked: https://prnt.sc/rfa24v So I had to ask it before my website crashes.
And why this tone in your reply? I guess I'm paying to get support right?
I don't have any tone in my reply, I just asking you I've said with you before that:
You just need check to Optimize Javascript, Optimize CSS & Optimize HTML is ok. No need to care about advanced options.
And you still asked me about advanced options, is my reply is not clear for you?
Best Regards,
Okey good to hear :)
The advanced options were checked by default, so that's why I asked it.
I tested the website speed, and without using this optimization tool, the website is faster. Any idea how come?
It's normal because sometime the speed test tool get different results. I got it multiple times before.
We're not owner of those tools, so we can't know what's the issues..
Best Regards,