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  Public Ticket #2320090
Even Design for Home Posts


  • Padresfelices started the conversation

    Hi, I want to be able to make everything even, it looks messy, one content more on top than the other, example:

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It can't be controlled because the excerpt length for each post is different:

    Check this image:

    The width of each letter is different. Example:  The width of letter   "m"  wider than letter  "i" - so the width of excerpt length for each post is different, so some excerpt need to drop a new line and make that posts has more height.

    Best Regards,


  • Padresfelices replied

    Ah that's a shame, I dislike uneven designs. 

    I can now see why your demo is perfectly even, you guys use the same posts description:

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