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  Public Ticket #2334140
How To Properly Install Child Theme


  • grace started the conversation

    Hello. I have used and LOVED this Soledad theme in the past for my website. Unforunately my host lost all of my data and I am starting a new website from scratch to replace it.

    My question is, since I am starting brand new from the template, can you please tell me the correct way from the very beginning to install and use the Child Theme so that all of my customizations that I will make will remain any time I update the template in Wordpress? I just installed the theme via wordpress today, but I used the regular zipped Soledad file. Should I start with the child zipped folder instead? Or do I start with the regular Soledad and install the child theme somewhere else?

    Thank you in advance for your help! I LOVE this template design so much!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for loving our theme.

    To install the child theme, you need to install parent theme first.

    That mean, you need to install file first, and after

    When you done, just need activate child themewink.png

    Best Regards,


  • grace replied

    Thank you so much for your help! I installed and activated the Child Theme and it worked perfectly. At first I was nervous since the demo content was missing, but then I just uninstalled and reinstalled it and it all appeared. THANK YOU! I'm excited to be able to make customizations to the theme, but still download updates to the parent theme without losing the customizations.

    You have the most amazing template ever. Thank you again!


  • odiasemartin replied

    Please what is the essence or significance of activating child theme when i already installed the main theme?

  • grace replied

    Hi odiasemartin,

    It's my understanding that if you want to adjust/tweak any of the template files with your own customizations, you can install and activate the child theme. That way, any time there is a Theme Update issued for the Soledad template, you can update the theme and your website will keep your customizations in tact.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @odiasemartin,

    If you want to override the files inside the theme - you should use child theme.

    If you don't need to edit/modify any file inside the theme - no need to use child theme.

    Best Regards,
