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  Public Ticket #2342557
Adding Title Text Box to Front Page


  • rwetherby started the conversation

    Is there a way to add title text to the front page using the Customizer? I would like to add title text above the PenciSlider that says "Recent Posts." I would also like to add title text above the featured boxes. 

    I realize I could do this on a static page with Elementor. However, my front page is not static and so does not show up in Pages since I imported demo data from the theme. I don't know how to copy everything on my existing front page to a new static page and want to keep everything else as it is, so I am hoping it is possible to do this within the Customizer.

    Thank you for your help.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    To do that, you should use Elementor to config your front-page.

    You can install Elementor and check this video tutorial to know how to config homepage by use Elementor.

    Best Regards,


  • rwetherby replied

    Ok, Thank you very much.

  • rwetherby replied

    I have now followed the tutorial to create a page and added the same content that was on the front page with Elementor instead of Customizer. However, now the PenciSlider and the Featured Boxes are not aligned with the footer columns like they were on the original home page. 

    For the slider, I originally chose style 16, but that is not available in Elementor so I chose style 15 (which is similar but with different alignment/wider edges). I'm not sure why the featured boxes aren't aligned with the footer.

    How do I correct this and make the margins for all page sections aligned (and/or chose slider style 16 from Elementor)?

  • rwetherby replied

    Here are photos: One of the original homepage with the slider, featured boxes, and footer columns all aligned. Then one of the new homepage showing the alignment is off with arrows showing where I want it. I can't figure out how to fix this. Thank you!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You just need edit your section and change the width for itsmile.png

    For slider, style 15 & 16 is the same - It's not different. If you want to use slider style 15, you just need to use slider style 16 inside a containerwink.png

    Best Regards,


  • rwetherby replied

    Thank you, but I'm still not figuring out how to make it the same size as the columns in the footer widget. If I set the size to custom and set the exact pixels then I can get it close but then when I resize the window the footer columns get smaller and the featured boxes/slider remain the same size. If I don't do a custom width and enter in the pixel sizes, I cannot seem to get it to resize large enough to match the footer columns.  On the original front page (before I made a static page) all the margins were identical... the featured boxes, the slider, and the footer columns. And when I resized the browser window, they all changed size identically still with matching margins across the whole page. Now, no matter how I try to resize it, they are never the same size. And if I get them close, as soon as I resize the window they are again different sizes. Do you have any advice for how to fix this in elementor? There doesn't seem to be a way to add a container as you suggested... I can add columns and try to use that as a container, but this didn't fix the problem. 

    I'm not sure if I made this clear before, but the footer columns were made in Customizer. 

    Thank you for your help.

  • rwetherby replied

    Ok, I've figured out a solution... If I remove the footer columns created in Customizer and recreate them within a section in Elementor, then the edges/margins match up with the other sections on the page. However, now I've run into a new problem. 

    In the first two columns in this section both contain the About Me widget. For some reason the photos are displaying very tiny. In Elementor, they look the way they are supposed to (see first photo below). I've made sure that image size under Content > About Me is set to "full," and the width is set to 100% under Style > Image. Yet when I preview the actual page, the images remain very tiny (see 2nd photo). How do I get the images to display as they look in Elementor? Thank you in advance.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can try disable lazyload images on About Me image and try it againsmile.png

    Best Regards,


  • rwetherby replied

    Wonderful! This worked perfectly! Thank you!