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  Public Ticket #2343584
header 1 have error


  • hu_ss_am started the conversation

    header 1 have error and menu not working and how to remove this white space above menu

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    This issue caused by you didn't create menu for topbar and main menu.

    Please go to Appearance > Menus > create a new menu for your topbar > add menu items to this menu > scroll down and check to "Topbar Menu" at the bottom.

    Do the same for assign a menu for Main Menu > scroll down and check to "Primary Menu" at the bottom.

    Best Regards,


  • hu_ss_am replied

    i will try it but its from the demo 

    i mean i imported the demo and there was the error 

    isn't the demo should be working?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    No - the import demo still working fine. But some case, your WordPress auto changed the menu ID and you need to re-set it againsmile.png

    Best Regards,
