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  Public Ticket #2344271
wordpress multisite


  • auupa started the conversation

    We have a wordpress multisite network with 13 sites. each one with one language and small design changes.

    We adquired soledad theme and we have few problems. First of all we dont found how to create an archive and tags page with soledad template. Still investigating. By the other hand, we need to copy the design we adapted to one site to the other 12 without doing all the process manually again so, how could we export import the theme configuration for the other networks sites.?

    Best regards.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Have you buy 13 licenses for those 13 sites? Because if you're using multisite from WordPress, you need one license for each site because it's independence site.

    Best Regards,


  • auupa replied


       Its same site, same webpage but hosted as multisite for each language blog version. It has different logo color and distinct translation but technically its same site. Documentation doesnt say that. it says it workd for multisite and not for the multisite plugin but, can you show us where it says exactly its needed a license for each site.  If we can't use it, we will ask for refund even the single license buyed because its not the pourpose of this project to adapt the design for a single theme.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, that's license for all WordPress themes on Envato Marketsmile.png

    You can check license policy here

    With one regular license, you just can use for one end-domain/one website.

    And WordPress multiple sites split your site to multiple different independence sites. And you need one license for each sitesmile.png

    Best Regards,


  •   auupa replied privately
  •   PenciDesign replied privately