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  Public Ticket #2347251
layout questions


  • angelika0310 started the conversation

    1. the posts on the homepage of under "AKTUELL am blog" (latest posts) shows the text of header not CENTERED, but left-sided. Where can I change this view into CENTERED - just like it is e.g. here:

    2. how should be the size of uploaded pictures in px (longer side) - in order to meet all the requirements of the preinstalled picture sizes of the SOLEDAD theme (for featured slider size, all the other ones...)

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ To do that, please go to:

    Customize > Homepage Options > and check to "Enable Featured Categories for All Layouts - Not for Magazine Layouts Only"

    Customize > General Options > on "Homepage Layout" > select "Grid Posts"

    2/ You can use images with 1170x780 pixel size to get best results.

    Best Regards,


  • angelika0310 replied

    Thankyou. It worked. 

  • angelika0310 replied

    Sorry, but the issue with the picture size is still not working perfectly.

    I am using the slider on the index page - but the pictures never are sharp in the slider. at a first sight this makes a very bad impression of the blog.

    I tried several times: When I use a slider pic with 1170 px and exported with 100% quality (as you told me to in order to get BEST RESULTS), its not sharp. When I use the same pic with HQ -(2500 px or more, 100 % quality) - its the same: UNSHARP and bad quality in the slider.

    Does the theme downsize these slider pics automatically? 

    Pls let me know how I can proceed to get better quality results in the slider pics.


    at the moment there is the first slider (man with dog and waterfall) in highest quality uploaded- but the pic looks like 70% quality.

    Thanks Angelika

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to fix it:

    .featured-style-1 .penci-owl-carousel .penci-image-holder:before {
        padding-top: 56.666%;

    Best Regards,
