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  Public Ticket #2350004
Popular Post Widget Column Format


  • sarraherring started the conversation

    Hey there!

    For some reason, the formatting of the Popular Posts is not operating properly. I have it set to display visually at 2x2, but it's only showing 2x2 on the first line. The second line starts showing 1x1, with a hole.

    Screen shot attached.

    This happens on the side bar widget as well as the footer.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    As I checked, this issue caused by a Custom CSS from you:

    ul.penci-topbar-menu > li, div.penci-topbar-menu > ul > li, li:last-child {
        margin-right: 25px;

    The code:


    on above code caused this issue.

    Please change the code above to:

    ul.penci-topbar-menu > li, div.penci-topbar-menu > ul > li{
        margin-right: 25px;

    To fixed this issue.

    Please manage your Custom CSSsmile.pngYou can't modify it to wrong and requirements us to fix it for you.

    Best Regards,
