Hi, I really like the DairyFarm demo, it's what made me want to purchase theme!
1. How do I get my recent posts on my vertical menu like in the demo? I went into the customizer and checked the vertical section, but couldn't locate the answer. So I figured, I would ask.
2. I have a pre-existing site so loading the demo content frightens me. Is there a way to import the demo without the content, but still get the colors and the page layouts?
1/ You can do that by go to Appearance > Widgets > drag & drop widget "Soledad Recent Posts" to "Sidebar Hamburger Widgets Below Menu" - check this image: http://prntscr.com/rv4vw7
Hi, I really like the DairyFarm demo, it's what made me want to purchase theme!
1. How do I get my recent posts on my vertical menu like in the demo? I went into the customizer and checked the vertical section, but couldn't locate the answer. So I figured, I would ask.
2. I have a pre-existing site so loading the demo content frightens me. Is there a way to import the demo without the content, but still get the colors and the page layouts?
1/ You can do that by go to Appearance > Widgets > drag & drop widget "Soledad Recent Posts" to "Sidebar Hamburger Widgets Below Menu" - check this image: http://prntscr.com/rv4vw7
2/ Yes, you can. You can read the note in the import demo data page here: http://prntscr.com/rv4w6r
You can import a demo style for your site by select to import "Demo Style" only - don't check to "Import Demo Content"
Note: Make sure you've installed plugin Penci Soledad Demo Importer. If not, go to Appearance > Install Plugins > install & activate this plugin.
Best Regards,
1. Understood, ty solved
2. Almost understood except for will I get all text content with Dairy Farm text when I import the Dairy Farm Demo?
2/ When you import a demo - you can see 2 check boxes here: http://prntscr.com/rvte6x
When you un-check on "Import Demo Content" - no any posts demo data import for your site
You just need to check on "Import Demo Style" to get the demo style of that demo.
Best Regards,