Hello, hope you are well. Today I went to create a post and when I hit publish the post displayed strangely. I have Post Style 5 selected for all posts and the posts set to default to this style. This post is not defaulting to this style. If I try to change it to Style 5 manually, it does not change. I have tried posting twice and both times have had the same result.
This has never happened before.
Also, the title will not display on the post and on the homepage category feed, the image is broken and will not display in the Wellness category section. Please see here: https://bigbeautifulsky.com/
Hello, hope you are well. Today I went to create a post and when I hit publish the post displayed strangely. I have Post Style 5 selected for all posts and the posts set to default to this style. This post is not defaulting to this style. If I try to change it to Style 5 manually, it does not change. I have tried posting twice and both times have had the same result.
This has never happened before.
Also, the title will not display on the post and on the homepage category feed, the image is broken and will not display in the Wellness category section. Please see here: https://bigbeautifulsky.com/
Thank you.
Never mind I fixed it! Dumb mistake on my part. Thank you :)