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  Public Ticket #2357574
Update error (failed)


  •  1
    Adrianne started the conversation

    Hello and thanks. 

    I tried to update my theme just now and received the error essage shown in the attached screen shot. 

    Please can you advise. 



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We’ve used auto-update platform from WP-Updates: ( It’s a paid service from a third-party company ) and it seems the updates flatform from them has issues and they didn’t fix it yet.
    We’re waiting for some weeks but they didn’t fix the issues, so maybe in the next updates, we will remove this flatform.
    And from now, please do follow this guide to update this theme – It’s easy also and doesn’t affect anything to your site:
    We’re sorry about this inconvenience.

    Best Regards,

  •  1
    Adrianne replied

    Ok thanks, no worries, I will give that a go, cheers appreciate it! 

  •  1
    Adrianne replied


    I did this and it did work thanks. 

    But it didn't keep a couple of recent changes. ie I had changed my logo and some font sizes but for some reason they reverted to how they were before I changed them. 

    I use a child theme. 

    Is there a way next time to ensure that the new theme brings across all of the site as it was prior to the update?

    Cheers, appreciate your time. 


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Strange, the updates doesn't change anything about your settings via Customize - because it just replace the old files on parent theme with the new files.

    In next time, when you update the theme, let's try deactivate all plugins ( excerpt plugins come from the theme ) and update it.

    When it done, you can see the issue appears or not. And re-activate plugins to get add-on features from plugins back.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    Adrianne replied


    I just came back as I realised why this happened, so I wanted to let everyone else know who might read the ticket, so it will save them time too if they do this. 

    So this was sort of my fault as I watched the video, did the install to update theme via the plugin (which I have since deactivated), but then I activated the parent theme, however I have been using the child theme. 

    So my issue was that the parent theme didn't have the custom css changes/codes I had in there!!

    I looked at this further this morning and was able to activate the child theme and all of the css came back. 

    Hope that solves a problem for someone else at some point too. 

    Thanks Penci!! 
