Comments umpro started the conversationApril 12, 2020 at 1:32pmHello,I am not using the following plugins. If I deactivate and delete them, will it improve the performance of the website? Or just deactivating will be enough? Thanks.oAuth Twitter Feed for DevelopersMC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPressPenci PortfolioPenci RecipePenci ReviewPenci Soledad Demo Importer 2,702PenciDesign repliedApril 12, 2020 at 4:58pmHi,Yeah, if you don't need any plugin - just need deactivate it or remove it.Deactivate & remove is the same in this case.Best Regards,PenciDesign Sign in to reply ...
I am not using the following plugins. If I deactivate and delete them, will it improve the performance of the website? Or just deactivating will be enough? Thanks.
oAuth Twitter Feed for Developers
MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress
Penci Portfolio
Penci Recipe
Penci Review
Penci Soledad Demo Importer
Yeah, if you don't need any plugin - just need deactivate it or remove it.
Deactivate & remove is the same in this case.
Best Regards,