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  Public Ticket #2358956
I want to have 3 differents category boxes in my home page


  • Picantere started the conversation

    Im having a problem to do 3 diferents boxes spaces of category. I want 3 different pairs of boxes (Food: 2 boxes - Travel: 2 boxes - Tips: 2 boxes).

    I can find the popular post and the post List Featured Categories for Magazine Layouts but I want all the boxes with the same style. 

    My english is not very good but im going to attach here a drawing with it 

    Is this possible? I want the style of the latest post that I have in my page but with 3 diferent categories.

    Thanks for all.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can do that by go to Customize > Homepage Options > and check to "Enable Featured Categories for All Layouts - Not for Magazine Layouts Only"

    After that, you can check this video tutorial to know how to do that - let's watch to the end of the video to understand all.

    Best Regards,


  • Picantere replied

    But I want to have a different style than the magazine (1big 4small), I want 2 bigs in 2 columns, is that posible?

    Thanks and sorry for the incovenience

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It seems you didn't watch to the end of the video.

    Please watch to the end of video to understand allsmile.png

    You can change layout for featured categories to "Style 7 - Grid Layout"

    Best Regards,
