Another beautification help needed. The featured image in single post has too much height in laptop and desktop. I like the full width of the image but want to reduce the height. I want to do it for all posts. Need your magic to solve this.
I have tried the below, but it reduces the image width as well.
Another beautification help needed. The featured image in single post has too much height in laptop and desktop. I like the full width of the image but want to reduce the height. I want to do it for all posts. Need your magic to solve this.
I have tried the below, but it reduces the image width as well.
.container-single .post-image{ max-width: 600px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }
Please show me URL for your post to I can help you.
Best Regards,
The featured image height based on your image height
So, if you want to get smaller height, please change the height of images.
Best Regards,