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  Public Ticket #2362284
Post Image Gallery


  • carlsondu started the conversation

    We would like to be able to put a series of thumbnails into a post with each being clickable to the larger image (in some kind of light box type layout).  Is there a functionality that we are just missing or a plugin that you would recommend to accomplish this?

    In the related URL, the two black and white photos are not a great example, but if we had 10 photos of a product, we would not want them to be so large and they would need to link to the larger version of the image.

    Thank you.

  • carlsondu replied

    Also, is there a way to embed images within the text of a post without choosing to basically create a two columns with the 'Media & Text' block?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    To do that, I recommend you use gallery.

    To config gallery, please use Classic element like this image:

    After that, add gallery here:

    Check more on this video tutorial.

    Best Regards,
