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  Public Ticket #2366927
Special caracters for Romanian language are not displayed corectly


  •  1
    radiokptv started the conversation

    Hi, from time to time, when the page is uploaded by the browser, it brings back wrong caracters for the words that are write in romanian. 

    Also, i have see that the titles or contents, that are write without special caracter, in english for example, are displayed without any problem. 

    So, for displaying special language caracter in the titles or content is need some specific settings for fonts in WP?

    I use Bebas Neue for title and RobotoSlab for content as fonts, and they are good, test it in text editor for different romanian words.

    Regards, Viorel

  •  501
    Penci replied


    It appears that  you use "BebasNeue-Regular" font.

    Google font doesn't have  "BebasNeue-Regular" font.  

    Please go to Dashboard > PenNews > Font Options then add custom font you want as screenshot

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    radiokptv replied

    Thanks for your reply, i have check your response, but there, the Bebas was already insert as custom font, and one remark when the fonts are not displayed corectly also the Roboto, that is used in the category links are displayed with errors! ( see in atachement screenshot), so must be another reason for this malfunction because this malfunction is not all the time, so if i click somwhere else the page is displayed corectly and from time to time the displaying is with malfunction

    I guess that the theme need some special settings for that, because if i have a page with no special caracter, in english for example is returning a good display and when i come back to a romanian content is with malfunction, as i say not all the time (i have also a good screenshot but i don't know how to uploaded in the same ticket with "update comment"), thanks.

    Regards, Viorel

    p.s.- i see in some optimize plugins some remarks about the fonts how they are used, there must be a specific settings for the fonts?

    ps - update- i just uncheck the Smush plugin and as i see the font problem disapear...that plugin have some features that overlap with some others installed, i have also reSmush installed.

    ps 2 - i see that this font problem, the displaying of a language caracters, apear also when i check some setting on "WP Security", after that i uncheck in mass the settings fonts in romanian are displayed corectly. Can u tell me, for example for WP Security plugin which settings won't affect the fonts displaying, if is some rules on that basic settings? Thanks.

    ps 3 - so i deactivate "All In One WP Security" plugin and the above problem with the romanian caracter disapear, but one mention, when i check some of security features the site work better as speed i mean, but with the font problem, so can u recommend a good security plugin and some basic settings for that, thanks. And one more remark regarding the mobile displaying, there it seams that is still problem with the fonts as languages any difference between desktop and mobile?

  •  501
    Penci replied


    Please  send me your website managment information ( admin url site, username and password ) in order for me to have access to know the exact issue. We will take it a look on this help you.

    Best Regards,
