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  Public Ticket #2367636
Demo not the same


  • Emmaboh started the conversation

    The Soledad Magazine demo I imported is not exactly the same as it should. The advertisement space before Fashion and Business cannot be found. And also the Fashion and Business category are not in the same line as in the demo. And also the advertise space before latest post is not found. 

    Please, where can i find the advertise space option before the fashion and Business category. And how can I make the Business and fashion category look exactly as it in on the demo. And how can I place the advertisement space before the latest post section just as it is on the demo. Thanks.

    This is the original demo: and This is the demo on my site:

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Thank you for purchased our theme.

    You can check this video tutorial to know how to config homepage magazine by use Customize - let's watch to the end of the video to understand all.

    For the ads, example if you want to put the ads to below category "Fitness" - you can go to Posts > Categories > edit category "Fitness" and put the ads code to "Add Google Adsense/Custom HTML Code below this category"

    Best Regards,
