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  Public Ticket #2373574
customize homepage crashes


  • aldo started the conversation

    HELP ! Customize homepage crashes. As I click on the Soledad menu the page crashes (my OS Windows 10 - browser Windows, Chrome)

    Thanks, Aldo Beli

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If you customize the widgets, please go to Appearance > Widgets. Don't do that via Customize because it's quite heavy and can make the customize stop to load.

    Best Regards,


  • aldobellisoledad replied


    OK, thanks. But what if I have to personalize the home page for example? (for example, the categories to be highlighted, or the number of posts for each category)

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Is it stopped when you access to customize?

    If right, please try deactivate all plugins and check it again.

    If it works, let's enable each plugin to check what's plugin to caused this issue.

    Best Regards,
