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  Public Ticket #2374881
Single post customisation


  • Nakita Fox started the conversation

    Hi there! I'm wondering how to make the customisations to single blog post category and author info displayed in the image - Attached is a screenshot from the s/dark template.

    I'd like to know how to add the diamond divider between categories, and how to make the "Written by" text a different colour (and not a link) to the actual author. 

    I want to make a few changes to how my single blog page looks - more than what wordpress allows. So I am creating a new template with elementor, but I can't find any options to customise these details.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ By default, the diamond divider between categories will be appears auto. Is it doesn't display on your end? Do you have more than one category?

    2/ Please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS:

    .header-standard .author-post span { color: #ff0000; }

    Change color code  ff0000 to any color code as you want.

    And sorry currently this theme doesn't support for disable link on the author name.

    Best Regards,


  • Nakita Fox replied

    In my posts archive everything looks correct, as I'm using the soledad template for the archive. But I've created a new template for my single posts, and that's where I'm having trouble making these small details the same as in the archive.

    1 - No, the diamond divider isn't showing when I have more than one category, they're just separated with a comma. Is there a way I can insert this with custom CSS?

    2. That code doesn't change anything for me, unfortunately. :(  Essentially, I'm wanting to change the colour of the "before" text in the author item in the post info element. 

    Are these questions that I should be directing towards elementor support, or is it okay to ask you? 

    Thank you!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please show me URL for this post to I can take it a look.

    Best Regards,


  •   Nakita Fox replied privately
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Ok. We will reply on your another tickets for all the issues. Please follow on this ticket only:

    Best Regards,
