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  Public Ticket #2376464
Change Comment Wording


  • austyntm started the conversation

    Hello team,

    I need some help, how do you change the words from, "LEAVE A COMMENT" to "LEAVE A REVIEW"?

    Also, in the comment box, the words from, "Your Comment" to "Please write your review here."?

    Last question, and I don't think this is possible, but I will ask. Is there any way to have a star button where they can say 1 star or 5 stars etc for the review?

    Thank you so much for the help. :)

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ For change the text, please check options for it via Customize > Quick Text Translation

    2/ I think you can try with this plugin:

    Best Regards,


  • austyntm replied

    Thank you so much!

    Everything provided and suggested is working 100%. :)

    One last question, and it's a quick one:

    Is it safe to update these plugins, and in future is it normally safe to update the plugins/ theme? I have read the document explaining how to update the theme using that plugin etc. Just scared about the plugins. 

    Thanks so much. :)

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yes, it's fine to update those pluginssmile.png

    Best Regards,
