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  Public Ticket #2376843
Elementor conflict?


  • mcullerton started the conversation

    Two Questions

    1) how to change the color of the overlay ( see attached screenshot) 

    2) How come my elementor changes aren't showing on the front-end but show when I'm editing via elementor. Please note, I have published the changes w/ elementor and they are still not showing. 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to change it:

    .overlay-post-box-meta { padding-bottom: 20px; background: #ff0000; }
    .overlay-post-box-meta, .overlay-post-box-meta .overlay-share span, 
    .overlay-post-box-meta .overlay-share a{ color: #ffffff; }

    Change 2 color codes above ff0000 and ffffff to any color code as you want.

    2/ What's the URL you get this issue? Because as I see you're using Customize to config the homepage - not use Elementor to config the homepage.

    Please check more about this here

    Best Regards,


  • mcullerton replied

    Thank you for the code!

    To answer your second question, I initially used Customizer but then moved to Elementor to add various features, that once I clicked "Update" within the elementor edit page, it is still not showing on the front (published) end. Please see attached screenshot for reference of what I see in elementor, versus, what you see when  you access the live site-

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If you do using Elementor to config your homepage, you need go to Dashboard > Settings > Reading > Front-page Display > A Static Page > Front Page > and select the page you've edited by use Elementor - and this page will appears as your homepage.

    Best Regards,
