There is a "line-height: 1.8;" that effects the distance between the lines. That's what I would like adjust. Not sure how to do it ONLY to subscript (with it affecting everything else too)...??
But, in your case, your subscript just in one line - it's not in multiple lines, so you can't see it works. Do you understand how line-height works?
With your case, I think you should use line-height on the paragraph wrappers for the subscript tags. Something like this:
<p style=" line-height: 1.2; ">
<sub><a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1">[1]</a> המרכז לטכנולוגיה חינוכית (<a href="">מט"ח), ערך התורה שבעל-פה</a>.</sub><br>
<sub><a href="#_ftnref2" name="_ftn2">[2]</a> ראו התייחסות לכך בסוף פרק ג' בסעיף "המניע והמנוע של התורה שבעל-פה".</sub>
I would like to make the line-height (space between lines) in the SUBSCRIPT much smaller, (like 1 or 1.1) . How can I do that?
It's not line-height - it's <br> tag space. And there is no way to reduce the height for br tag. It's drop a new line... Not in same line
Best Regards,
There is a "line-height: 1.8;" that effects the distance between the lines. That's what I would like adjust. Not sure how to do it ONLY to subscript (with it affecting everything else too)...??
No - that line height doesn't affect to the <br> tag
Best Regards,
I was not referring to BR, I was referring to the "line-height". How do I apply "line-height" ONLY to the subscript?
Please look at the BEFORE and AFTER screenshoots it will help you understand what i'm referring to.
I was not referring to BR, I was referring to the "line-height". How do I apply "line-height" ONLY to the subscript?
You can add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:
Best Regards,
Unfortunately not working, see screenshot.
It already applied:
But, in your case, your subscript just in one line - it's not in multiple lines, so you can't see it works. Do you understand how line-height works?
With your case, I think you should use line-height on the paragraph wrappers for the subscript tags. Something like this:
That's only way.
Best Regards,