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  Public Ticket #2380582
customising my theme


  • SheenaSalah started the conversation

    I have installed the food theme. Am now customising it. The top menu above the header is not how I want to but I don't know how to change that.

    Also the home page graphics slider bar content seems to have text behind it - not sure why...

    It might be easier to re-set the food theme to default and start again.

    Also where can I see list of what all the font options for the title and text look like?

    Can I load content and then make more changes to the customisation of my theme?

     Why are your tutorials on YouTube silent - are they supposed to be?

    Do you use Elementor page builder instead of the customisation options in Wordpress and if so how do you use it?

    There are so many options its confusing for a beginner like me!



  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ You can change the header layout via Appearance > Customize > Logo and Header Options > Header Layout

    2/ Can you make your site live to I can take it a look to help you?

    3/ I think you can go with the import demowink.png It's easier than building the theme from begin. Just need to let me know your issues and we will help you solve it.

    4/ For change fonts, please go to Customize > General Options > "Font for Title" and "Font for Body Text"

    5/ Yes, you can edit the import demo layout/ content to your content. It's quite easysmile.png

    6/ Yeah, we've guide the steps, so we don't talk on the videos.

    7/ This theme supports 3 ways to setup the homepage - and Elementor is one in those 3 ways.

    Please check more here

    Best Regards,
