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  Public Ticket #2381211
Import Content of a Demo doesn't work


  • Asiccha started the conversation


    I have a problem while instaling the demo "Game News Two Sidebars" on my Wordpress, it actually get stuck in the message "importing content" after downloading. I already installed all the plugins and it works with only the Demo Stile, but not with the content or both.

    Please help, thaat demo was the main reason i bought this theme and thank you for your patience

  • Asiccha replied

    I modify something in Ubuntu and it worked.

  • Giancarlo replied

    Hi there! Was this already addressed by the devs? I'm trying this as well, and I'm stuck with the same issue.

  • Giancarlo replied

    Commenting here because I cannot submit a new ticket.

    Here are my problems: 1. I’m stuck at importing customizer. I was trying to import the demo style of a template. 2. When using Elementor, it would not allow me to drag an element to the editor.

    What I have done so far: 1. I have updated my PHP version to the latest 2. I have disabled all templates except for the theme importer. It still didn’t work.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied

    Hi @Giancarlo,

    We've replied your email. Please check it.

    Best Regards,
