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  Public Ticket #2381431
Disable auto run in gallery


  • congtv89 started the conversation

    thanks team about theme soledad, i very like when used.

    But, i have a question, can team penccidesign help me ?

    - when i chosse style gallery in Post. i want disable autorun gallery when i click: And i don't know, how to change position The post.

    - i wan't down in line metadcription at ( attachment with the name : down-in-line.jpg), althought i do it admin. 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ To disable it, you need to edit the file inside the theme - please do following this image.

    2/ Unfortunately, there is no way to do that because WordPress doesn't allow html in the post excerpt from WordPress itself.

    Best Regards,


  • congtv89 replied

    you can help me, edit css defauft for worpress to down in line when show at here.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If you don't see "Theme Editor" on Appearance. Please contact with your hosting provider and ask them about this. It's not issues related with the theme itselfsmile.pngSome hostings blocked it.

    Best Regards,
