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  Public Ticket #2382325
AMP Issues


  • TAGC16 started the conversation

    Dear staff,

    I am currently experiencing the following issue:

    I am having problems with my site AMP pages while using Soledad theme plugin "PenCi Soledad AMP-Wordpress Complete AMP" (see the attached screenshot 'AMP Issue')

    This issue does not allow my site articles to appear on Google Discover since AMP Pages having this problem are not indexed by Google and for this reason are kept out from news feeds.

    Moreover while experiencing this issue Visualizations on AMP pages disappear on Google Analytics too. 

    I have also noticed that these problems have appeared since when I have installed Cookie Policy/GDPR plugin Complianz

    More or less every month the generation of AMP pages proves wrong causing issues to Google Crawlers which struggle to find them. To try to fix the problem I have to disinstall Complianz and then re-installing it again but I have no guaratee that the problem is fixed and that the site is working correctly.

    Given this situation I have 3 questions for you:

    1. Is there any compatiblity issue between Soledad and Complianz plugin?

    2. Is there any chance to temporary fix this problem while waiting for a permanent fix?

    3. Could you suggest me an alternate Cookies Policy & GDPR plugin fully compatible with Soledad and its plugins?

    Currently Complianz is shut down to avoid further problems with my site AMP pages, but I can't stay without a Cookies POlicy & GDPR plugin too long.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you,

    best regards,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We didn't tested Complianz with AMP version of Soledad. But, if your plugin doesn't support for AMP - it can't be works on AMP - for for our plugin only, it will make all AMP plugin can't be validated.

    With this issue, please contact with author of that plugin and ask them about this plugin and ask them about thissmile.png

    Best Regards,


  • TAGC16 replied

    Hi thank you very much, 

    Could you suggest me an alternate Cookies Policy & GDPR plugin fully compatible with Soledad and its plugins?


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    On AMP, we already support for Cookies Policy Popup here - why you need to get a new one? Because you can link the read more button to your cookie policy page.

    And for Cookie policy & GDPR plugin compatible with AMP, I don't know any plugin for thisfrown.png

    Best Regards,
