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  Public Ticket #2383110
Do not get to see option to edit a portfolio using Elementor


  • jasmeet1566 started the conversation


    I had tested the theme earlier on our development server and was now importing all the templates i created in the development to the live website.

    The challenge i am facing is with reference to the portfolio option in live website. For some reason it looks different than our demo server and there is no option to add a heading and edit with elementor.

    I have attached screenshots to explain the issue (a. Our live link where there is no option to edit the portfolio using elementor and b.the demo server link where portfolio has edit using elementor option). 

    Please advice.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It seems on your live site, you have a plugin conflict with Elementor and make the button doesn't appears.

    Please try deactivate all plugins ( except plugins come from the theme ) and try it again. If it works, let's enable each plugin to check what's plugin caused this issue. 

    Best Regards,


  • jasmeet1566 replied


    I think the issue was more to do with the portfolio option not selected in elementor than anything else.

    Anyways, i checked the option there and then deactivated all the plugins other than the one that came with the theme. The option to edit with elementor comes inside resources section. However, when i click on the same, it takes me to 404 page not found.

    Screenshots are attached for your reference. I am more than happy to share the admin panel credentials to help me with the issue. I really need the website working on this theme.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Ok. Please send me your site admin URL and admin account ( username and password ) - in a private reply. I will take it a look on this help you.

    Best Regards,


  •   jasmeet1566 replied privately
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I've fixed it help you by deactivate Thrive builder plugin.

    Best Regards,


  • jasmeet1566 replied


    Thrive builder is already deactivated but i need thrive leads. I activated thrive leads and looks like that elementor does not work at all anywhere.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    As you can see - that's issues between thrive leads & Elementor, It's not related with our theme and we don't develop those plugins & can't be change the codes for that plugins.

    You need to select one for usesmile.png

    Best Regards,


  • jasmeet1566 replied


    Following your advice, i removed all thrive plugins (deleted them) and bought a paid version of elementor to cover for the features i was getting from thrive. However, the page not found issue still persists and whenever i click on any elementor button in portfolio, the page not found error is still there.

    Please advice.


  • jasmeet1566 replied

    The issue is at the preview part when you create a new page/post/portfolio. However, when you edit an existing page or post, the elementor editor opens fine.

  • jasmeet1566 replied

    Here is what i did:

    I deactivated all of pencil's plugins including the portfolio plugin and now the elementor editor works fine. To test the conflict in between elementor and pencil, i activated the pencil portfolio plugin and elementor again stopped working. I am sure the conflict is in between elementor and pencil's plugins.

    Kindly resolve. 

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Unfortunately, as I said please disable the thrive leads plugin to get it works.

    WordPress has millions plugins and we can't check & compatible with all plugins.

    And follow the Envato Support Policy - we don't provide support for issues related with 3rd party plugins.

    Best Regards,


  • jasmeet1566 replied

    All the thrive plugins are uninstalled and deleted.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Ok. I will tell with our developers to check it. And we will reply you when it done.

    Best Regards,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Our developers checked it.

    The issue caused by your config. You've config the portfolio slug is   'p'  - it has conflict with the slug of preview posts from WordPress itself.   Example:

    You just need change the portfolio slug and it will works fine.

    Best Regards,


  • jasmeet1566 replied

    Thanks. That makes sense.

    One last query is how do i get rid of featured images from the pages. Example ->

  • jasmeet1566 replied


    The elementor option does not show up inside resource section when i click on add new resource. Issue is attached for your reference.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Please select Template for that page is "Page Full Width".

    2/ Please go to Dashboard > Elementor > Settings > on "Post Types" > make sure you check to "Portfolio"

    Best Regards,


  • jasmeet1566 replied


    How do i get rid of the breadcrumbs and page title on the pages including of the home page?


  • jasmeet1566 replied

    And how do we remove the social media share button from bottom of pages?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    If you config homepage by use Elementor, please select Template for your page is "Page Full Width" - it will hide both.

    Best Regards,


  • jasmeet1566 replied

    Thanks. The last question i have with reference to search options. How do i edit search pages like this ->

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You can change layout for Search page via Customize > General Options > Category, Tags, Search, Archive Layout.

    Best Regards,


  • jasmeet1566 replied


    Two more queries:

    a. How do i change the font in penci about widget in portfolio pages (Meet the Team section) on our website like these :

    b. How do i activate the AMP version on the website?


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Unfortunately, there is no option for change the font for that text.

    With Elementor, I think you can use Image & Fancy heading elements to get it done and change the fonts from settings of Fancy Heading element.

    2/ Please check on the documentation here

    Best Regards,
