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  Public Ticket #2383811
Begginer Problems


  • Asiccha started the conversation

    Hello PenciDesign,

    I bought two days ago yout wordpress templaate and i love it, thaank you very much for helping clueless entrepeneurs like to achieve his goals. I have some questions because i can't find this options and i will add as many captures and details i can, hope you can help me. I used the gaming two side bars template:

    • Configurate wich social media appears in the top and bottom of the page: i don't want to use that many social media in my topper and footer in my website, i want to erase one or two and keep the other ones (Attach 1)
    • How to customize category pages and post pages: i wish to configurate my category pages, post pages and tag pages as much as i can edit my home page, i really don't know how to do it, i want them to look different with different plugins. (Attach 2)
    • Translate Policy page and terms: my site is mainly in spanish and i don't know if i have to translate all this legal information manually or maybe i can install some plugin to edit it. (Attach 3)
    • Add About Us, Contact Us, etc: i really don't understand how to do it in "pages" it shows nothing (Attach 4)

  • Asiccha replied

    I continue here, sorry:

    • I can't add a category on my posts: everytime i write a post i can't add category and sometimes it also doesn't let me to add tags. (its a news site about gaming and we want to keep it in order) (Attach 5)
    • Megatitle: i know this image is from the other product, but Soledad can make it happend? (Attach 6)

    Thank you again for helping me.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Please go to Customize > Social Media Options > fill your social media URL here > and let blank any social media icon you want to hide.

    2/ Yeah, that's category page title - and unfortunately, it doesn't support style like heading titles.

    3/ You can edit this page and change the page content as you wantsmile.png

    4/ You can go to Pages > Add New > and add new your pages: About Us, Contact Us, etc and write the content inside that pagesmile.pngYou don't need for use Elementor on that page.

    5/ It seems you have a plugin caused this issue. Please try deactivate all plugins ( except plugins come from the theme ) and try it again. If it works, let's enable each plugin to check what's plugin caused this issue. 

    6/ Please add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    #navigation .menu li.penci-mega-menu > ul.sub-menu{ background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9); }
    #navigation .penci-megamenu .penci-mega-child-categories{ background: transparent; }

    Best Regards,


  • Asiccha replied


    Thank you for your answe, i solve almost everything except for two problems:

    1. I still can't see the category window on my posts. I tried to deactivate one by one (including the Soledad plugins), deactivating all of them, in groups, etc. It doesn't appear anymore.
    2. I found another problem but i don't know if this will affect our website. I think thats all i want to ask for support for now.
  • Asiccha replied

    I'm sorry, i forgot this other problem of the megatitle that doesn't works (i think) with the demo i installed. The sub-categories shows in the bottom of the post with megatitle

    Thank you again for your answer.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Ok, Please send me your site admin URL and admin account ( username and password  ). I will take it a look at this to help you.  

    2/ No - it doesn't affect anything to your site.

    3/ Your config is wrong. Please go to Apperance > Menus > on menu "Technologia" > remove all child menu items of this menu item. Please check this video tutorial to know how to config a category mega menu - watch to the end to understand how to put child categories on the left side.

    Best Regards,


  •   Asiccha replied privately
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I just checked your site and I found this is not issues related with my theme.

    It seems an issues with your hosting or plugins. I've tried activated a default theme from WordPress: Twenty Twenty and I see this issue still remain:

    So, you should contact with your hosting provider and ask them about this.

    Best Regards,


  • Asiccha replied


    I will check it again, thank you very much!