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  Public Ticket #2384120
Amp error - tag 'link rel=canonical'


  •  1
    CalculatedTraveller started the conversation

    I have a new issue with my AMP - Google Search console is saying this error on all my amp pages.

    The tag 'link rel=canonical' appears more than once in the document.

    Please advise.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It seems the Yoast SEO plugin has been changed the core from itself.

    Please wait a few time and we will release a new version for AMP to fixed this issue.

    The new update will come in 1-2 days. You can check update changlog here to know when it released.

    After new AMP plugin update released, you can do following steps below to update AMP plugin:

    1/ Go to download page and download the package "All files and documentation" > extract it and you can get a folder > open this folder and access to plugins folder - you can see latest version file.

    2/ Go to Plugins > All Plugins > deactivate & delete plugin "Penci Soledad AMP"

    3/ Upload latest version of the plugin you got on step 1/

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    CalculatedTraveller replied

    I've just updated the AMP plugin and it Google is validating. I'll reach back if there are any issues but so far it looks fixed.Thank you.