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  Public Ticket #2391522
AMP Issues


  • TAGC16 started the conversation

    Dear Penci Design staff,

    Until April 27, 2020 all my site articles (new and old) were indexed in AMP for mobile devices by Google News. Starting from April 28, 2020 all new articles started to be indexed (and re-indexed in case of the old ones) in not AMP for mobile devices format by Google News. 

    As a result now all the articles are not indexed in AMP anymore.

    This started after the this issue "The tag 'link rel=canonical' appears more than once in the document" started to affect all the AMP pages.

    The pages are not returned to be indexed in AMP for mobile devices by Google News after having fixed this problem too.

    Could you tell me which settings of Soledad Theme I have to check to have my site pages indexed in AMP by Google News again?

    This is a main concern for me: in fact since when pages stopped to be indexed in AMP by Google News my site traffic has dropped, given that most of the traffic comes from mobile devices and that AMP format is today standard for news feeds like Google Discover where my site constantly appeared (after Google News stopped to index my site articles in AMP for mobile devices, my site almost disappeared from Google Discover).

    I attach a screenshot (Google News Index) taken from my smartphone last week. As you can see the first two articles were indexed in AMP (they featured the white lightning on top right of the image) while the third it's not (it has a different header and it does not feature the white lightning of AMP on top right of the image).

    As I explained I would like that all the articles would be indexed in AMP for mobile devices again by Google News.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you,

    Best regards,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    This issue caused by the latest update from Yoast SEO.

    We've released new AMP version 3.2 to fixed this issue. Please update it.

    You can update AMP plugin to latest version by do following steps:

    1/ Go to download page and download the package "All files and documentation" > extract it and you can get a folder > open this folder and access to plugins folder - you can see latest version file.

    2/ Go to Plugins > All Plugins > deactivate & delete plugin "Penci Soledad AMP"

    3/ Upload latest version of the plugin you got on step 1/

    Best Regards,


  • TAGC16 replied


    thank you very much I have done the update.

    The AMP issue has been resolved, but my main problem is still there.

    Could you tell me which settings of Soledad Theme I have to check to have my site pages indexed in AMP by Google News again?

    In fact my site articles are still not indexed by Google News in AMP for mobile devices yet.

    I attach you two screenshots from my smartphone:

    - "Google News after the AMP issue" (Not AMP indexed)

    - "Google News before AMP Issue" (white lightning on top right of the image since they were AMP indexed).

    How can I return my site articles to "Google News before AMP Issue" status?

    Could you kindly tell me which settings of Soledad Theme I have to check to have my site pages indexed in AMP by Google News again?

    Please this is a serious issue for me. Before I was constantly on Google Discover, now I am not anymore since the Site is not Indexed in AMP by Google News for Mobile Devices.

    This caused a drop in both draffic and revenues. 

    Please help me to index my article again in AMP for mobile devices on Google News again.

    Thank you, 


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You just need to wait Google update your AMP pagessmile.png No action needed.

    Best Regards,


  • TAGC16 replied

    Thank you very much!

    However new crawler Issues do appear after after the update you have suggested to your latest AMP plugin.

    As you can see in screenshots "New AMP Issue 1" and "New AMP Issue 2," it seems that the problem is the generation of the pages since they feature at the end of each link "amp/" instead of "/amp". 

    Therefore, Google detects new AMP issues because pages can't be found and indexed.

    Is that a problem of AMP version 3.2? 

    Howe can fix this issue?

    Thank you very much,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Please send me your site admin URL and admin account ( username and password  ) - in a private reply. I will take it a look at this to help you.  

    Best Regards,


  •   TAGC16 replied privately
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yes, you need to enable Private on your reply. It's private.

    Best Regards,


  •   TAGC16 replied privately
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We've fixed it help you.

    This is strange issue - because this issue just appears from your-end only. It doesn't appears any bug like that when we testing it on another hosting/website.

    Best Regards,


  •   TAGC16 replied privately
  •   TAGC16 replied privately
  •   PenciDesign replied privately
  •   TAGC16 replied privately
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, just need to wait google validate and fixed it.

    For your issues, when our developers check it, your site return the URL for AMP missing a   /    at the end of URL - this caused the issue.

    Our developers has been modified in AMP plugin to help you solve this issue. I recommend you backup AMP plugin and use that version if you get this issue back in the future.

    Best Regards,


  •   TAGC16 replied privately
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    2/ In the latest version of AMP plugin, we've fixed this issue. Have you get this issue?

    Best Regards,


  •   TAGC16 replied privately
  •   TAGC16 replied privately
  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Strange, have you update the AMP plugin to version 3.2 ?

    If yes, let's check again to see if you enabled it via a plugin or not?

    Maybe you need to disable each plugin to check what's plugin caused this issue.

    Best Regards,


  • TAGC16 replied


    finally all AMP errors are going to be fixed.

    Currently there are only 41 issues related to 'link rel=canonical' that need to be fixed by google, I think they will be ok in the next few days. 

    As you can see by looking at the two Screenshots taken from my smartphone on Google News attached here, there are few differences on how my site is indexed before and after the AMP problems.

    1. First screenshot (AMP with Logo) features my site indexed by Google News before the issues. As you can see the name of my site (circled in red) was written in Block Letters and featured my site logo.
    2. Second screenshot (Current AMP on Google News) features my site as it is indexed now on Google News. As you can see the name of my site (circled in red here too) is not written in Block Letters anymore and it features "press release" after my site name.

    I would like that the name of the site returned written in Block Letters and without the written "press release" (as featured in first screenshot). Do you know how can this goal be reached?

    Thanks again,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We didn't change anything on the way It display, it seems that's updates from google...

    We don't know how to remove it.

    Best Regards,
