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  Public Ticket #2394267
Import Demo data stuck


  • fabaff started the conversation


    I have tried to change my current Soledad default theme with Soldedad fahshion magazine  2, following the suggested procedure (installing customizer reset plugin > reset the current theme skin and then importing only demo style in order to keep articles and others), but the importing process always is stucking at the point "Media p04 already exist". po4 is an image that is part of the skin theme that I have also removed manually but nothing changed and the process always stuck there for hours. How to get off of this nightmare! Please note that I have applied this process on the localhost mirror site withot to touch the live site . Please let me know!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Strange, I just checked and I didn't get any issue like that.

    Is your site has old data: posts,pages... ? If yes, please do import the "Demo Style" only - don't check to "Import Demo Content"

    Best Regards,
