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  Public Ticket #2395954
Sharing link on Whatsapp does not show link preview


  •  1
    black_n_white_boxes started the conversation

    I have done everything that i have seen so far but still i am not getting that thumbnail image, or you can say my featured image and hence i will like to get it when i have to share my post on whatsapp please kindly help me with that. I have done the yoast seo settings as i saw you earliar query and it hasn't worked

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    The whatsapp sharing will based the facebook sharing - It will be the same.

    And when I tried sharing your posts on facebook, I see everything is normal:

    So, please wait Whatsapp update your changes.

    Best Regards,


  •  1
    black_n_white_boxes replied

    Try it on whatsapp okayQ

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    I knowsmile.png That's why I said with you wait some days for Whatsapp update it.

    Best Regards,
