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  Public Ticket #2399087
Theme settings


  • Dlambova started the conversation


    I have few questions about settings of the theme:

    - Is there a way to make the links inside posts highlighted or with underline? 

    - I would like to set up all the post titles as H1. Is there a way to do that?

    Thank you

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    .post-entry a {
        text-decoration: underline;

    2/ All the single post titles is h1 tag - check this image:

    Best Regards,


  • Dlambova replied

    Thanks a lot!

    I added the code for underline but it also underlines the links in my recipe card, including the Jump to recipe button. Is there a way to avoid underlines being added to recipe card and to have them inside the post only?

    One more question: can I activate somehow breadcrumbs in the theme without doing it through yoast plugin? I tried with yoast and it doesn't work well.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to do that:

    .wprm-recipe a.wprm-recipe-link, .wprm-recipe a.wprm-recipe-link:hover, .post-entry .wprm-recipe-container a{ text-decoration: none; }

    2/ You can go to Customize > General Options > and un-check on "Hide Breadcrumbs"

    After that, go to Dashboard > SEO > Breadcrumbs and > check to disable the breadcrumbs from Yoast SEO plugin.

    Best Regards,


  • Dlambova replied

    Thank you again, both are working and I like the theme breadcrumbs much more than the yoast ones.

    Can I apply translation to the breadcrumbs? They appear only in English in both languages and I can't translate them through Quick Translation.


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    It should works with both languages if you do using WPML or Polylang.

    But, it seems you're using Qtranslate to translate your site. And this theme doesn't support for Qtranslate.

    Best Regards,


  • Dlambova replied

    That's strange because it works well with Qtranslate on everything else. Also I noticed that some parts of the breadcrumbs are translated and others not. For example:

    In fact majority of the older recipes and some categories are translated but others not. Can you see why is that happening? 


  • Dlambova replied

    Hi again,

    I managed to translate "home" with my plugin shortcode through Customize.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    We didn't tested the theme with QTranslate, so we don't know. That's old core plugin, so we don't provide support for this.

    WordPress has millions plugins and we can't check & compatible with all plugins.

    Best Regards,
