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  Public Ticket #2404903


  • thatgirloutdoors started the conversation

    Hi, I am a little confused. I have just noticed on theme forest that it says the theme was updated on 2nd may. I didn't receive a notification for the update via email or in Wordpress like I usually do. 

    It also says that the current version is 7.3.2. This is the version I have installed. I haven't updated anything in May.

    So Im wondering, was my theme updated automatically, or was there not really an update in May, or is there a later version than 7.3.2 which I need to install?


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yeah, sometimes we update the preview or thumbnails of the theme - themeforest showing the latest update by that day. It's not correct.

    You can check update chanlog here to know what's latest version.

    Best Regards,
