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  Public Ticket #2406184
unable to access the install plugin


  • richning started the conversation

    Hi , 

    In the bluehost.  

    Question 1: 

    In the "Welcome to Soledad" page. 

    I click  the first step "install the required plugin" , it shows " your current ID is unable to access this.  

    Can you please advise how to fit it? 

    Question 2:

     why I am unable to change slider option?  it shows exact the same, no matter what slider option I select. 

    Kindly advise!  

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ You can't go to that page - that mean you've installed & activated all recommend plugins.

    2/ Your homepage built via Elementor, go please go to Dashboard > Pages > All Pages > edit your homepage > click on the slider > and change the slider setting from there.

    Best Regards,
