1/ "Text is to small" & "buttons to close" - please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to fix it:
@media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
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2/ For "to wide" I didn't see any issue on mobile. I've tested your site on 3 different phones and I didn't see any page has this issue. This issue caused by you have a page has more width with the screen of mobile.
I am getting the following three warnings from Google Search Console, and they are only happening from the mobile version!
Can you fix them?
With your issues:
1/ "Text is to small" & "buttons to close" - please try add more this code to Customize > Custom CSS to fix it:
2/ For "to wide" I didn't see any issue on mobile. I've tested your site on 3 different phones and I didn't see any page has this issue. This issue caused by you have a page has more width with the screen of mobile.
Best Regards,
The layout is broken after used the CSS
It's not broken
On mobile it display like so because there is not enough space to display all those elements in a line.
Best Regards,