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  Public Ticket #2409727
Error in loading an element 404


  • Arman-Universe started the conversation

    I have tested the website for speed (Link to the test), there are two problems in the waterfall section:

    1. A file called 'notebook.png' that can't be loaded and it is linked to your address.

    2. I have uploaded a custom font in woff format and it works perfectly, but here in the test it is shown as an error.

    I appreciate any help

    two more questions:

    3. There is no hompage in the pages section of my wp dashboard, but when I customize the website there is a homepage. How can I bring that page to the pages to?

    4. Can I edit a customized homepage with elementor and add product carousals to homepage?


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Please go to Customize > General Options > on "Background Image for Body Boxed" > select any image from your media library > and remove it after that > and click "Publish"

    2/ Because your site using SSL, so please go to Dashboard > Soledad > Custom Fonts > make sure the URL link to woff font is https://  -  not http://

    3 & 4/ This theme supports 3 ways to config homepage - please check more here and you're using WAY 2 - This way doesn't exists any homepage in your Pages. I think you can create a new homepage by use Elementor to get it.

    Check more this video tutorial to know how to config homepage by use Elementor.

    Best Regards,


  • Arman-Universe replied

    Thanks for quick response, I will try them all and get back here to inform you about if they worked or not.

    One more thing:
    When resizing the google chrome browser with the website open in it, latest posts writings in the homepage become vertical and narrow. I have added a custom CSS to my theme and it is fixed now. Just thought to tell you. (I have attached the image). Here is the code I added to fix it:

    .penci-grid li.list-post .item .content-list-right {
        padding-left: inherit!important;

    I have a few requests/suggestion to to be included in the upcoming updates if possible:

    5. A bookmark icon, a tool for the visitor to be able to bookmark posts to read later.

    6. Something indicating the time needed to read each post.

    7. An option to include logo in the sticky header.

    8. A location for top bar left menu to be added.

    Thanks again.

  • Arman-Universe replied

    This is a response for my first issues:

    1. I did it and it worked

    2. I checked and the link for the font is HTTPS not HTTP so the problem still remains.

    3. I checked the links you sent, thanks.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    4/ Thank you for your report, I will noted it and send it for our developers.

    About your suggestion, we will consider about those features to add it in the future updates.

    Best Regards,


  • Arman-Universe replied

    I have a problem with product image. It is not showing. Here is an example:

    I am not sure but I think it happened after I have updated the woocommerce plugin to the latest version that was released last few days.

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Can you try activate a default theme from WordPress to see this issue appears or not?

    If it appears with default theme from WordPress, that mean this is issues from Wocommerce itself and you need to wait update for fixed it.

    Best Regards,


  • Arman-Universe replied

    I found the cause of problem,

    When I activate wp bakery plugin, it happens! I don't know why but that is the reason.