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  Public Ticket #2415380


  • louiseellis started the conversation

    I've chosen soledad hipster as my demo - however I don't want the memories box...  I only want my latest blogs underneath the front page slider... Is this something I can easily change?

    I also like the soledad simple blog - so I'm tempted to use that one instead - as it doesn't have the featured box.

    I'm new at setting up a website - and am not a techie - so I need the simplest option!

    Thank you!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    Yes, you can. You can do that by go to Customize > Homepage Options > List Featured Categories for Magazine Layouts > and remove all the text here.

    Best Regards,


  • louiseellis replied

    Thank you - after i sent the ticket - I managed to make the change in - customise - general option - front page layout ... I selected - classic then list...   And the memories box disappeared...!

    Another question - what format do I use to create my logo? Can I do it as a PDF?

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    No - it can't be display PDF. Please use .png or .jpg for your logo image.

    Best Regards,
