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  Public Ticket #2416678
/shop returns 404


  • Grodexusa started the conversation

    I've installed all plugins

    Import full demo (with content) "Minimal Simple Magazine"

    Now when I try visit/shop it returns 404. Why?
    There is no documentation that I need install something additionally...

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    You need to install plugin Woocommerce to create your shop page.

    And you can check documentation for how to config woocommerce here

    For more options for shop, you can check it via Customize > Woocommerce.

    For control sidebars for Woocommerce, please go to Appearance > Widgets > add more widgets to sidebars here:

    Best Regards,


  • Grodexusa replied

    Thanks, we can close this one