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  Public Ticket #2421073
Images and featured boxes on mobile


  • kynat started the conversation


    I have two problems with the mobile version of my English site (

    1)The first images showed on my homepage is not viewed correctly (you can seee the exact same image showed correctly on the italian version of the mobile site that is

    2)Featured boxes (used via wp bakery) are not showed at all.

    I tried to regenerate the thumbnails of the site but nothing has changed.

    Could you help me please? Thanks in advance!

  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    All that come from your config.

    1/ I think you should use plugin to duplicate your italian version and edit it and set it's english version.

    2/ On italian version - as I checked you're not using featured boxes element from Soledad. Let's check it again.

    Best Regards,


  • kynat replied

    Thank you for your reply, here is mine:

    1) I already duplicated the section fro the Italian site to the English site, but despite that, the image size is not showed correctly on the English site on mobile.

    Note that the two sites are working on a Wordpress Network.

    2) Yes, I know that I'm not using the feautured boxes on the Italian site, and I don't mind to use them on that version. I just don't know why on the English site on mobile featured boxes (used via wp bakery) are not showed at all.

    Looking forward to know from you.

    Thank you,


  •  2,702
    PenciDesign replied


    1/ Why you don't use Elementor to config that pages? It's easier and better than WPBakery Page Builder.

    Check more on this video tutorial.

    2/ It caused by you've set padding left & right for featured boxes is 300 - it apply 300 on mobile and make your featured boxes gone.

    Best Regards,


  • kynat replied

    Perfect, thank you!